How To Send a Letter To The Prime Minister of India

How To Send a Letter To The Prime Minister of India

Do you know that anyone can send a letter to the chief ministers of the state, elected representatives, and the prime minister of the country? And it is a fairly easy task to do. If you’d like to convey your suggestions, send them greetings, or thank them for the work they are doing, writing a letter to them can be one of the best ways to reach and get heard. So in this blog, learn how you can send a letter to the prime minister of India.

Anyone can send a letter to the elected leaders of our country either to their home address or the office address. The official addresses are generally available publicly for the very reason of sending the communication.

Here is the Honorable Prime minister’s Office Address and a simple format that you may use:


[Prime minister’s Name],

Prime Minister’s Office

South Block, Raisina Hill

New Delhi-110011

To send a letter to the Prime Minister of India, you can simply write it on a page, package it in an envelope, put their name and address on the envelope and send it via any courier service or post office available near you.

Or you can simply signup on Letterflix, write your letter, and send it via our service at a nominal fee. And we’ll take care of printing, packaging, and delivering your word to the prime minister of India.




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